Divisional Block and Twill Drafts
Divisional Block and Twill Drafts is a set of interesting drafts produced by Handweaving.net visitors on our former Divisional Block and Twill Drafting page, where profile threadings expressed in divisional form could be applied to various tieups. Here is what you get with this digital download product:
- Complete set of all 1172 drafts
- Easy visual index much like the draft listings on Handweaving.net
- Instant delivery and free updates, download link and installation instructions arrive by email
- Compatible with Mac, Windows, and Linux computers
- No weaving software required but WIFs are included
- Permanent local offline copy of this material, no Internet required to use after download
Please visit our About Digital Downloads Page for installation instructions, a free sample draft collection to download and try, and more information about our downloadable draft collections.
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